وظائف كيميائي انتاج بالسعوديه

1. Assist in developing and modifying chemical processes to ensure that products are of the appropriate quality and produced within the established cost limits.

2. Monitor chemical processes to resolve any problems.

3. Undertake studies and trials of chemicals and instruments to improve production processes, unit costs, quality and safety.

4. Maintain an awareness of new developments in chemical produc- tion processes and evaluate and apply those that may be of benefit to the company.

5. Maintain an awareness of customer requirements and any com- plaints to identify any areas that may need development or improvement.

6. Communicate the results of research studies to managers and operators.

7. Maintain an awareness of developments in the field of chemical engineering which might have an impact on production processes.


  • Degree in chemistry or chemical engineering
  • At least 3 years’ experience of process engineering

  • اضغط عالصوره التاليه للتسجيل كما هو موضح بها

  • بعد التسجيل اضغط فقط تقدم الان للوظيفه من هنا

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